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No New Posts Village

This is where the Elves carry out their daily lives. The village is nestled in the corner of two cliffs, in a sort of triagle shape. In the sides of the cliffs, there is a crack, which leads to a small cave for the healers, similar to the one in Kayre's village. There are two more cracks- one for the cubs and caretakers to sleep, and one for everyone else. The caves have fine deep sand that is warm-because of the angle the sun shines right into them at sunset-which is what everybody sleeps on.

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No New Posts Desert

Most of Frithst is covered by hot, dry desert. The heat here is unforgiving, and even the villagers of Frithst can't stay out here for long. Ocassionally a palm tree or a clump of weeds sprouts up, but that's about all there is for vegetation. Thankfully for the Elves, there are plenty of rocks to take shelter under.

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No New Posts Cliffs

Near the edge of the territory, just out of the desert's way and not far from the camp are the sand cliffs. Rough grass and a few shrubs lie at the bottom, and the cliffs themselves are like huge steps. There is a natural pathway to climb up, and every ten feet or so a big ledge to rest on. The pathway is fairly steep, and the journey to the top can only be made in human form. At the top, you stand about seventy feet above Kayre's moors, which stretch far out of sight.

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No New Posts Pond

In the farthest reaches of the desert, makring the end of their territory and the beginning of the unkown lands, in a small pond. This is the only source of water in all of Frithst, so the villagers are forced to visit here often. Fortunately the distance can be covered in about half an hour as an Ember Horse.

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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
This is the land of the Elves. It is the hottest of the four lands, because of the vast desert that covers it. The ground is completely flat and smooth almost everywhere, perfect for the hooves of an Ember Horse. The borders of Frithst are the edge of the sand cliffs on one side, where they can look out over the moors of Kayre, and the edge of the marshes on Shraiik's side. Further up, by the camp, another cliff that drops into the small pool closes them off from the rest of Shraiik. The most common prey here are snakes, lizards and small rodents.
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